For the same reason, we recommend that you do not substitute the line
we provide with a heavier gauge line. If the marker float is tied to
a heavier line and the float gets entangled with a surface object, the
line will not snap, and might serve to drag the ControlPak-S™
to a distant location deeper underwater, where it may be lost.
When a
grappling anchor is being deployed with the Aquos™ BC-8 Benthic
Chamber, the marker float carabiner should be secured to the metal loop
at the bottom of the grappling anchor. (See Fig. B) If the benthic
chamber does break free from the sediment and get dragged along the
bottom to another location, the marker float will indicate where the
grappling anchor has managed to dig itself into the sediment again,
making it easy to locate the benthic chamber after such an event.